Sunday, January 24, 2010

Almost done...

We have just about finished Rhett's room. A few weekends ago we went and bought a dresser and a crib. It looks so good in the room with the orange and the brown. All that is left is some wall decorations, a mattress, some touch up paint here and there, Zach has now come upon some extra wood to do some wood floors in the room...oh and of course how could I forget cute little Rhett himself :) So here are a few pictures of the room as of now... (The second picture is a little blurry sorry) I will post another update once the floor is put in.

Monday, January 11, 2010

23 weeks

All I have to say is wow! There are some days that I think to myself this pregnancy of mine has flown by...and then there are others that I feel like little Rhett is still so far away. Zach and I are both getting very anxious to meet him. I think that trying to get his room done and actually seeing some production going on there makes us want that time to be NOW!! (Even though we are still so far away from actually being ready) I am still feeling good. I am feeling Rhett move more and more every single day and I love it. Zach has been able to feel him few times and our family is extremely jealous since they still have not. When we had out ultra sound the tech told us that he has all this room up above my belly button to move around in and yet he still insist that he stay as low as possible. (the reason why Zach is the only one to have felt him squirm! haha) we are hoping that in the coming weeks he will continue to get bigger and be forced to move out of his cozy little bubble that he has come so accustomed to ;) Well here are a few more pictures of how my belly is growing. I thought that I was big at 3 months and then I saw 4 and thought 3 months wasn't so bad...then came month 5 and I sure do have a growing boy in my belly! I am starting to get to the point where people are seeing that I am prego rather than just gaining a few pounds!! What an awkward stage. I am glad that I am getting past that :)

I love my family! They are so funny and can always make me laugh, especially my dad. He is so great I love him so much and love that he is still a little kid sometimes! Here is a picture of us while he is trying to get Rhett to move up and start kicking me so that he can feel it I think at one point during this time he even started to sing to Rhett in hopes that that would help :)

Here we are again, he is trying to show off the fact that my belly is bigger than his

Here is Aly...she is wishing that it was time for her to be prego so that she may gain some help in the "over the shoulder boulder holder" department like I have...I told her I would give her mine if I could have her tiny skinny little body that she has!

New Class

I absolutely love my primary calling. It is very rewarding for me and I am just the type that loves to teach little ones so it fits perfectly. At the starting of every new year the classes always get mixed up and you get a new class, well as I was sitting in my interview with a member of the presidency she asked me if I liked my class and if I would like to stay? I immediately said that I LOVE my primary kids and would love to be able to teach them again if that was in the plan for my particular calling. Well a few weeks went by and before I knew it the year was over and they had moved me to a new class :( our ward is so big that we actually have 2 classes for the 6 year old age and that was the age I was teaching last year. This year they gave me the other 6 year old class. I am excited to teach this new class as well don't take me wrong but I had started to love those little kids and the comments they would make and how fun primary was to be with them as their teacher. During the first week of the new year and with the new class one of my old kids came over to me and handed this letter.

Isn't this so cute! I loved getting this from Annalynn. I loved how there were times where she would spell words correctly and then on the next page you could see it was a little more difficult for her! I thought it was very nice of her to let me know that she enjoyed having me as a teacher as much as I enjoyed having her in my class. I am certain that with the year a head of me and a new class with new adventures I will grow to love this "new" class of mine as well!