Friday, April 24, 2009

9 weeks

Well this week is our 9 week mark and things seem to be going pretty well. I can't complain about too much I am feeling pretty good for the most part. I think that Zach would say otherwise though that is for sure. I am sure he is wondering how he is going to handle the next 7 months with me being in such a bad mood all the time. I am the first to admit that but for some reason the hormones in me just let the little things bother me in a big way! The other day I am pretty sure that in a 5 minute period of time I went from being just fine to happy to angry to crying, I hit all of those emotions in such a short time frame I am sure that Zach thought that I was a crazy lady...I am hoping that this part of the pregnancy fades here pretty quick but I am thinking that it won't it is just in my nature...hahaha! Well my belly is starting to round a little bit but nothing to much my clothes are getting a little bit snugger though that is for sure last week at the doctor I had lost 5 pounds though so that is a positive side of things I really would not mind if my belly got bigger and I either stayed the same weight or heck I could even loose a little bit and we would be just fine! Next week Zach and I are going back into the Dr on Thursday to make sure that everything is still going well with our little one. Once again thanks to all of you who have kept our family in your prayers it means a lot to us and we love you all!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well it has been a while since I have posted last but this last week or so has just been absolutley CRAZY!!! So here goes...Zach and I had a doctors appointment to go into to see our babies little heartbeat last Monday (I know it has been a while). Our appointment was at 5:30 and when we got there they told us it would be about an hour and a half wait which was fine with us just as long as we got in well 8:30 rolls around and our name is FINALLY called. We go back to do the usuals blood pressure, wieght ect. We get to our room and the doctor comes in and starts to do the ultra sound. I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong or just not right. There was no heartbeat to be heard or even seen, he said that things weren't looking like he would like them to look at this point in our pregancy, and there was also blood around the sac of the baby. I immediately start to think of all of the things that could go wrong, (that is the pesimist in me mom I would like to know where that came from?!) He did tell us at that time that he wasn't saying that we would miscarry but he wanted to see better then that. He sent me into to get my hCG levels tested at the hospital. (Sometime in between 7-12 weeks of pregnancy women's hcg level drastically increase and they shoud double within 48 hours then after that they just slowly increase up until your last month or so and then they jump up again.) I had to go to the hospital 2 times 48 hours apart so we could see if my levels had doubled. Talk about a long 48 hours I was so scared I didn't do anything. I did make a special effort to go to the temple with my mom and also have Zach give me a blessing, I knew that if there was any way our little one would pull through we would need all the help that we could get and that help could be through blessings of our wonderful Gospel. Thursday came and I was told that if I hadn't hear anything by about 10 in the morning to call and find out what is going on. As I picked up the phone my heart was pounding I was so nervous, the fate of my little baby was just waiting on the results to come back. When I finally got through to someone they told me that my levels didn't double and my heart sank immediatley...then she proceeded to tell me that the levels were so high that there was no possible way for them to double. I then was told that my doctor wanted to see me and once again negative thought flew directly into my head. There is only one reason he would want to see us in person and that is to give us bad news. Our appointment was at 12:20 and of course when we got there he was running behind and we had to wait another 3 hours...I was so nervous and I just sat there all emotional and waited patiently for my name to be called. Once we were back in the room my and I became even more nervous. The Dr. finally came in and asked how things were going? My reply was "I don't know how about you tell me whats going on and then I will let you know!" We then had our ultra sound and he was so surpised everything was GREAT!!! It was like night and day. He showed us where we could see our little guys heartbeat. He told us that he had fully prepared himself to give us bad news but there was just nothing bad to say. I think that I let out a huge sigh of relief and I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. It is so strange to see the difference that 3 days makes. Although personally I know in my heart that the only reason we still have our little blob is because of priesthood blessings and temple prayers. Thank you to all of you who have kept us in your prayers! We love you all!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First appointment

Well today the doctor made it official...WE ARE HAVING A BABY! We are so excited and a little nervous at the same time. The Dr said that we are due November 26th but on the ultra sound it said the 28th. We are hoping for the 28th though because the closer we get to December 1st the better but I guess that we will just have to wait and see. Today was about one day too early to be able to see a heartbeat so we will be going back for another visit on Monday and we will be able to see the heartbeat. We still did get a few pictures of our cute blob!

6 weeks

April 3, 2009
As of yesterday I am 6 weeks a long. I about 239 days till the baby is here but hey who is counting? Since I have become pregnant my mom has gone a little crazy with the whole buying of clothes (especially since we don't know boy or girl) Zach and Braden both say it is a little boy. We will see. I do have to say I am kinda hoping for a boy I don't know what I would do with a little girl! I know that she would end up having her daddy wrapped around her little finger though that is for sure! Zach and I went shopping the other day and we bought an outfit for the baby as well. Zach would only let me buy a boy outfit since of course it IS A BOY! hahaha Zach found a onesie that said "mommy's tough guy" and said that we had to buy that one. It is pretty cute wouldn't you agree??

This week I have started to feel a little bit more queasy that is for sure. Well Tuesday is my first appointment and I will be sure to update then!

Telling Braden

March 23, 2009
We had told all of our other siblings except for Braden. I was going to send him a package about the baby but I couldn't wait and neither could my mom! Hahaha So Zach and I sent an email to Braden to share the good news. His reply was great he said that he is so excited that he about fell out of his chair and can't wait to be an uncle. He said that we will have to promise to keep him updated and posted on all that happens. Let's just hope the baby can wait till Braden comes home to make his big debut!

I just had to tell!!

March 21, 2009
So yesterday was the 80th birthday party for my great Grandma Curtis. And it was seriously killing me not to be able to tell anyone that we are having a baby! So Zach and I decided to tell our families only this weekend and WHOOO-HOOO it felt so good to be able to tell them. Of course I should have known not to tell my mom in a public place bacause I knew she would cry but I just couldn't hold it in any more. So there we were sitting at the table eating our dinner with about 50 people around and I decide to tell them! Hahahaha I know it wasn't very good timing but I just couldn't help it! I think that my dad was a little too shocked to let it set in...I mean it's his first daughter having a baby and the first grand baby at that. Of course my mom immediately went out and had to buy some baby clothes and a little toy lion (go Royals!!). We also told Zach's family who were just as excited. We were having a little outing with the girls to go shopping for Maria to get a new Sunday outfit for Garrett's blessing that is next week and the boys were staying home watching the NCAA tournament, so Zach told the boys and I told the girls. When we were shopping I didn't know how to tell them but it was made easy for me when we walked right by the Gymboree store and everybody was oohhing and aahhing over the little clothes and tennis shoes and I couldn't help but start to blush so I am sure that that gave it all a way right then. It really feels so nice to have told them though now I can ask all of the questions that I have or just talk to them whenever I need. :0)

I think that I enjoyed Bridger's reaction the best though...He was speachless, jaw dropped to the floor and starting to blush a little! Hahaha he was so cute, finally when he could say something he said "I am an uncle??" He was so suprised and so cute! I love our families so much and I am so thankful for their support!

4 weeks

March 27, 2009
I am 4 weeks and I have pretty lucky so far with all of the symptoms. I heard that most women don't start to feel any of them until about the 6th week mark so I shouldn't be to excited about that I guess. I have just been REALLY REALLY tired, and a few things don't agree with my stomach everyonce in a while. Anything with a lot of sugar in it doesn't sit well which is a shame cause I LOVE my sweets...I have a candy drawer at my house and I just filled it with chocolates and I can barely have one of them if I am lucky :( ! The past 2 mornings though I have started to get a little bit of the morning sickness thing and I am pretty sure that I don't like it. I HATE IT!! I will have to start putting crackers on my dresser so that I can eat them first thing in the morning to try and help the upset tummy!


March 21, 2009
Well it is not official yet from any doctors but Zach and I are pretty certian that we are going to be having a baby :) We are so excited. I am not posting this until we have told people but I wanted to write down exactly how we feeling about this so I wouldn't forget. A while back Zach and I had originally planned to start trying to get pregnant about this time of year but due to some job changes of mine we thought we would wait so we told both our families that we were going to wait. Over the next few months Zach and I both just felt like it was time to start our family and so we started trying! I have taken 4 different at home pregnancy test and they have all come back positive! We are so excited! We are just hoping that our due date is after December 1, 2009, that is Braden's release date as of now. When Braden left I told him I would be getting married while he was away but I wouldn't have a baby till he gets home. I thought that it might take us longer to get pregnant then it did so lets hope our due date is after the 1st of December! Hahaha Keeping this a secret is so hard. When we were talking about starting our family Zach was certain that I wouldn't be able to hold it in and just tell everyone but I was stubborn and said I won't tell a single person until we are ready to do so, now that the time is here I just want to tell everyone!!! We are so excited!! I know that I still think that I am dreaming but this is really happening. We are going to be I old enough to be a mom? I never thought that I would be old enough for that and I am sure that my mom never thought that she would be old enough to have a daughter who is having a baby and becoming a grandma! Hahaha I guess there is always a first for everything. I think that Zach and I are ready for this new responsiblity I mean heck we have raised a great little puppy! There is no difference right??!! Hahaha I am anxious for this whole thing to happen and get going I know it will be such a huge blessing in our life! I called today and made our first Doctors appointment for April 21, so we have about a whole other month before we will be telling people that is a long time.

I thought that once I found out we were having a baby I would tell Zach in a cute way and have it be special but after the first test I was so excited I just told him right then and there! Oh well maybe next time huh!