Thursday, January 29, 2009

"You're not a king"

My calling in church is teaching primary. I have the CTR 6 class and they are so fun. I have twin boys in my class and I would have to say they are my favorite. A few Sunday's ago we had our ward confrence and since we have just had our bounderies re-alligned our stake presidency was there trying to get to know everyone. The first counselor asked me what my name was as we were waiting for the kids parents after class. I said that my name was Megan King. One of the twins was standing there and looked up at me and said "you're not a king" and I replied "yes I am that is my last name" he insisted that I was not a king. This went on for a few minutes and finally I asked this little boy why I wasn't a king and his answer was "you can't be a king, you don't live in a castle far far away" ha ha ha!! After that I couldn't defend my last name anymore; this little boy had a valid reason as to why I could not be a King and I was laughing too hard to talk back with him!
I really love my calling, little kids are so innocent and honest and so dang cute! I was listening to one of them take thier turn to say the prayer in class and all she prayed about was things that she was thankful for. Sometimes I think that we all get so caught up in our busy lives that we often forget to be thankful for all of our blessings because we are so busy asking for help and other blessings. They say that if you want to be like Jesus, our savior, then we should be like a child and that has been made very clear to me as a have been so blessed to be a primary teacher.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our life

I am starting this blog so that I can look back and remember what life was like when new chapters of our life together opens.Zach and I have been married for about 9 months now. We have been dating since we were in 9th grade and have loved every minute of it. Zach served a mission for our church and it has brought so many blessings into our life now. We have a little puppy named Zeus. He is a black mini Schnauzer and absolutely adorable! We love him so very much and is so fun to have around!