Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rhett's room

I am now at 21 weeks and I am feeling great. We had a great Christmas spending time with our families. Most of our presents and the money that we got went towards little Rhett! Zach and I are starting to feel the pressure that babies need a lot of things...most of which we don't have, and I am not the type of person to just sit back and relax and then one day just have Rhett here with us. So the day after Christmas Zach and I decided that we would go out and look at some baby stuff. I had absolutely no intention of buying anything then but we ended up buying Rhett's bedding. I wanted to have that picked out first and then base the rest of the room off of that. So we went to Target and found this cute little bedding set that has jungle animals on it. It is so cute it has a giraffe, lion, elephant, alligator and a cute little monkey. It got me so excited that I decided that I wanted to paint the room as well so then we were off to Lowe's to pick out some paint. Now originally I was thinking that the room would be in like blues or greens or something like that but once we got the baby quilt we decided to just grab a bunch of paint chips and decide from there. Needless to say our baby's room is now in a dark chocolate brown color 3 feet up the wall and then a chair rail that will be a tan color that separates the room and the top is a sunset orange color that matches the baby lion that is in the quilt. I know it is a little drastic but I think that it is just in my blood. And it doesn't help that my husband is just the same. So I don't have pictures yet I will post pictures of the finished product but just trust me it will be cute. It is a good thing that my mom is just the same and didn't think that I was crazy when I decided to paint a room in my house orange and thank goodness she is a great painter! Thanks mom!

Monday, December 21, 2009



That is right we will be the parents to a little boy and we couldn't be more excited. The ultrasound went great and things with our little boy is just fine he is measuring at about 13 ounces in weight and about 10 inches in length which is just right. His heart is beating at about 159 times per minute. At first he was curled up in a little pretzel but we got him to move around a little and then we were able to see that he is for sure a BOY.
When we first saw him on the screen he was reaching down with his hands grabbing onto his little toes and flexing around it was so cute.
It was great to see him move around and know that things are going so well. They recorded the whole ultrasound which was nice so we will have that to look at until he joins us. Zach and I were hoping for a boy so we are very happy and excited. I loved watching him move around on the screen and I think that it was good for Zach to see it and make it a little more real for him. Well we hadn't really talked about names much we thought that we would wait and see what the baby was first but we did have one name that happened to be a boy's name that we both really liked and it has now stuck so we are thinking that this little boy's name is going to be Rhett Johnston King. We can't wait for Rhett to come join us!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Countdown

Well the final countdown is finally here...we find out on Monday what this little baby will be-and we are SUPER excited!! According to our poll (you) looks like the pink won and a girl will be our future! I was curious and decided to look in to what some "old wives tales" say about what our baby will be.
So here they go-
-The chinese birth chart takes into consideration your age, and month of conception and it looks like a 22 yr. old who conceived in August can expect a little BOY...
-Since I am carrying my weight out front it's a BOY...
-The hair on my legs doesn't grow faster now than before points to a GIRL...
-My feet are colder than usual (but it is winter) which means BOY...
-Zach hasn't seemed to gain any pregnancy weight for himself which means GIRL...
-I was nasueated all the time but never throwing up during the first 3 months means a BOY...
-My "chest development" has been quite dramatic (as if I needed help in this department) which could only mean GIRL...
-When holding my wedding ring on thread over my belly is circled which means BOY...
-It seems that my cravings are for fruits, orange juice, and chocolate indicate a GIRL...
-While my other cravings of meat and cheese (Burger Bar to be specific) means BOY...
-150's is where this baby's heart was beating at our last check up which means GIRL...
-It looks like a watermellon is growing in my belly which would mean GIRL...
-I have had headaches and lots of them and apparently the cause of this is a BOY...
-Last but not least the most accurate reading of boy or girl is Zach and he says BOY...

There we have it 8 tales say a BOY and 6 tales say a GIRL...I guess we will have to just wait and see what we are going to be blessed with!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So I have started to feel our little one move around!! It is such a neat feeling. I absolutely love it. I have to admit though it was a little strange to fill it at first and when I actually think about the fact that a baby is growing inside of me it is a little strange but then I think of the miracle that is happening in my belly and I fall in love with this feeling. Zach is getting so jealous and it is so cute...he is dying to feel it but I know and I have to keep telling him that it will be a few more weeks if not months before the baby will be big enough to feel his little kicks and punches from the outside. The other day he told me I needed to share the love with him :) and stop rubbing it in his face every time I feel something. But every time I feel something I can't help but to get a smile on my face and get so excited to know that there is a growing baby there. I think that every little movement that I feel helps me lower my guard a little bit and reassures me that things are going ok. I look forward to the times I am able to feel him or her. It has been really hard for me to let myself get attached to this baby with the fear of what happened last time but with every little punch or kick I feel I can't help but to truly fall in love this little one more and more every single day and I know that I am now so attached and can't wait for the next 4 1/2 months to go by so that we can meet this sweet baby. I am excited for the next few weeks to go on so that these little movements that I am feeling become more frequent to the point where I feel it all the time. I can't wait!!